In Guinta’s mind, thirteen years of the war in Afghanistan isn’t enough.
We’re approaching the eleventh anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, a war which 2/3 of Americans believe should be ended and which costs American taxpayers more than $100 billion a year (a single person makingAi??$40,000 in 2010 basically paid $1,694 to finance the war effort).
President Obama has set a timetable to end Afghan operations in 2014, which means it would have been a thirteen year-long conflict — America’s longest war. That’s a timeline many in his own party think is dragging the war out too long.
But Republican congressman Frank Guinta (NH) — who’s facing a strong challenge from bold progressive Carol Shea-Porter — thinks that the war should continue on even longer:
1st District congressman Frank Guinta predicted Monday that there will need to be some American troop presence in Afghanistan even after the planned 2014 timeline for withdrawal.
ai???Regardless of party affiliation, you will see a group of our warriors in that region for a long time to ensure the different sorts of terrorist networks arenai??i??t allowed to regroup,ai??? Guinta said.
President Obamaai??i??s announced deadline to bring all troops home compromised the U.S. goal ai???to win,ai??? said the Republican first-term congressman.
ai???Your enemy and your opponent understands you are there to win. A timeline and a deadline undermines that goal,ai??? Guinta said at a forum at New England College.
Guinta is sorely out of step with American public opinion and even many in his own party who believe that the war should come to a resolution quickly.
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