One of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee-endorsed candidates for Congress, Annie Kuster in New Hampshire, just got attacked in full-page ads by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles of the Simpson-Bowles Commission — which famously proposed gutting Social Security and the social safety net.

In their attack on Kuster, Bowles and Simpson praised her Tea Party opponent, Congressman Charlie Bass, for supporting their plan to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. Their attack ad is appearing in three local newspapers: the Concord Monitor, New Hampshire Union Leader, and the Nashua Telegraph.

Instead of backing down, Kuster is doubling down on her promise to protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts in a new TV ad.

Click here to watch it and chip in $3 to help it run in New Hampshire.

Annie has been endorsed by local and national progressive groups, and her bold statement today shows why:

“During his nearly 20 years in Washington, Congressman Bass has repeatedly voted to cut and undermine Medicare — including his votes for both the Simpson-Bowles and Ryan budget plans. There’s a right way and wrong way to reduce the deficit. Let me be clear: I will never cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. My Tea Party opponent will.”

This Simpson-Bowles attack on Kuster is part of a wider national campaign. The two have formed an organization called the “Campaign To Fix The Debt” that has a mysterious $25 million war chest to promote its plan to shred Social Security and lower corporate taxes.

They want to use this money to buy public opinion — the vast majority of Americans oppose cuts to Medicare and Social Security — and to push Congress to support the Bowles-Simpson plan that it already defeated in a 382-38 vote in the House.

By chipping in a few dollars for this TV ad, you can help stop this campaign to gut Social Security in its tracks. Watch Annie Kuster’s ad promising never to cut Social Security or Medicare benefits:

Please chip in $3 to help Annie Kuster run an ad promising to never cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. Click here.