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Student Loan Fairness

Student Loan Fairness

Help Elizabeth Warren fight for students!

UPDATE: Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America, MoveOn, Credo Action, Daily Kos, and others have collected over 615,000 signatures for Elizabeth Warren’s first bill!

Right now, Wall Street banks that crashed our economy get loans from taxpayers and pay only 0.75% interest. Meanwhile, student loan interest rates are about to double from 3.4% to 6.8%.

Senator Elizabeth Warren thinks that’s outrageous. That’s why she introduced a bill that gives students the same low interest rates the big banks get from taxpayers.

Can you show Congress that Warren has our support by signing the petition in favor of her bill?

Petition: Wall Street banks – the ones that wrecked our economy – should not be getting a better interest rate on their government loans than young people trying to go to college.

Click here to sign the petition.