Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, long a voice for economic justice, peace, and equality for all, has just been elected the first openly-lesbian U.S. Senator in American history.

Our members made 92,000 calls for Baldwin. We also raised more than $55,000 for her campaign. Through our blogging and press outreach, we revealed how her opponent Tommy Thompson went to bat for the corporate clients at the lobbying firm he worked at.

PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor has the following statement on Baldwin’s election:

Ai??Tammy Baldwin’s win is a huge grassroots victory for anyone who cares about Medicare and Social Security. Tommy Thompson said that he would “do away” with Medicare and Social Security, but voters chose to “do away” with Tommy Thompson instead. We are proud that our members chipped in over $55,000 to Tammy Baldwin’s campaign, and made over 92,000 calls to voters in Wisconsin.

Want to continue to elect bold progressives like Tammy Baldwin and then fight for a more progressive America? Sign up with your e-mail address at the top to stand with over 950,000 other progressives who are members of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

We also hope you’ll bookmark www.thedailychange.org, our blog that you are reading right now. We’ll keep you updated on the fight for economic justice and a more progressive America.


Peter Shumlin (VT-GOV) re-elected. (26,000 PCCC calls)

Chris Murphy (CT-SEN) elected. (41,000 PCCC calls)

Bernie Sanders (VT-SEN) re-elected. ($53,000 raised)

Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-SEN) re-elected. (10,000 PCCC calls, over 1,000 grassroots donations)

Alan Grayson (FL-HOUSE) elected. (216,577 PCCC calls,Ai??$56,684 raised)

Lois Frankel (FL-HOUSE) elected. (230,522 PCCC calls, nearly 3,000 contributions)

Elizabeth Warren (MA-SEN) elected. (570,000 PCCC calls, $1.1 million raised)

Tammy Baldwin (WI-SEN) elected. (92,000 PCCC calls, $55,000 raised)

Sherrod Brown (OH-SEN) elected. (79,000 PCCC calls, $36,000 raised)

Mark Pocan (WI-HOUSE) elected. (34,090 PCCC calls)

Keith Ellison (MN-HOUSE) elected. (17,504 PCCC calls)

David Cicilline (RI-HOUSE) elected. (10,764 PCCC calls)

Beth Pearce (VT-TREASURER) elected. (26,000 PCCC calls)

Annie Kuster (NH-HOUSE) elected. (119,095 PCCC calls)

Raul Ruiz (CA-HOUSE) elected. (5,626 PCCC calls)

Carol Shea-Porter (NH-HOUSE) elected. (133,355 PCCC calls)